Tag: eskom expo

Schools in Gert Sibande region compete at the Mpumalanga science fair

Schools in Gert Sibande region compete at the Mpumalanga science fair

More than 40 schools in the Gert Sibande region participated in the Eskom Expo regional science fair that was held at the Secunda Sasol recreational club on Saturday, 20 July 2024.

About 205 learners were chosen to represent their respective schools. A total of 186 projects were presented by these learners.

The number of respective medals awarded was 14 gold, 21 silver, and 22 bronze medals.

The top five categories with most projects were:

Engineering with a total number of 62 projects
Energy with a total number of 29 projects
Social sciences with a total number of 26 projects
Environmental studies with a total number of 21 projects
Biomedical and medical science with a total number of 18 projects

The best female winner

Kaylee Harrison and Uys Vinnete Viljoen from Hoerskool Secunda Grade 9
Best innovation winner

Lakshit Dangra From Oranjagloed primary school, grade 6
Best energy project winner

Jean Roux Flack from Hoerskool Secunda, grade 8
Best development project winner

Kabelo Jackson Makgato and Sandile France Hlatshwayo from Ithafa Secondary, Grade 11

The provincial coordinator, Mr Innocent Marume of Mpumalanga, expressed his heartfelt gratitude to each participant and judge for making this year’s Expo regional science fair a resounding success.

Gert Sibande has seen remarkable growth. This was shown in the rise of schools at the 2023 regional science fair from 23 schools to 43 schools participating in the 10 district expos. This growth has also resulted in massive improvement in the quality of projects being presented by the schools.

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