Mr Patrick Chamusso is a father to approximately 260 orphaned children near Nelspruit.
Two Sisters orphanage provides the main meal of the day as well as all medical care, school uniforms and fees and sees to it that the children are well cared for in their foster homes.
The foster parents help with the daily chores of preparing the main meal, watching over the children at play and keeping the Two Sisters premises clean.
The organisation receives no funding from the state but relies on donations from various sources.
Besides taking care of the orphaned children, there are also several projects which includes sewing, using the skills he acquired during his jail term to teach everyone who is willing to learn.
His projects managed to provide employment for almost 6 000 people.
Mr Chamusso said they sew duvets and comforters.
During his discussion with Seskhona Newspaper, he urged the community not to wait for government to do things for them, but to stand up and fight unemployment.
The Centre also has a children’s library where learners can read and improve their vocabulary.
“Education is a powerful tool to open doors for our youth,” said Mr Chamusso.
In 2008, Chamusso received the National Heritage Council Ubuntu award for his humanitarian work.
He received his award together with the former Cuban president Fidel Castro.
Mr Chamusso, a political prisoner of the apartheid regime, was released from Robben Island in 1991.
While in prison, Mr Chamusso dreamed of establishing an NGO which will look after the vulnerable people within the community.
He was falsely arrested in 1980 under the suspicion of conspiring with the ANC to bomb the Secunda oil refinery.
He became the suspect because of being the last person who went into Sasol with a truck and when he came out, Sasol was bombed.
He fled to Mozambique, where he joined Umkhonto weSizwe, the military arm of the ANC.
Mr Joe Slovo, head of Umkhonto weSizwe and leader of the South African Communist Party sent Chamusso to Angola for explosives training on how to destroy infrastructure without fatalities.
After his return to South Africa, Chamusso single-handedly bombed the Sasol plant.
The attack was carried out on Republic Day, a public holiday, so as to claim as few lives as possible as the ANC did not want to lose support by killing people.
To learn more about Mr Patrick Chamusso life and a documentary based on his true life story, log on to