Byline: Kelebogile Masemola

13 May 2022

Reports have been released by the Department of Education reflecting that South Africa learners are considered lowest performers in maths and science in comparison to the world, with mathematics considered as one of the hardest subjects and with few learners excelling in it.

Make A Difference (MAD) has started a non-profit community based project ‘Mathematics School Tournament’ with the purpose of encouraging primary school learners to have an interest in Maths and to excel and improve results in maths subject.

Their main objective is not only to give prizes to the learners who will win the competition or tournament but it is also to see 100% improvement in the maths subject.

Mr Solly Marima who is part of the organising team for the tournament said this will help in removing the negative mind-set learners have about maths.

“This will not only help them at their primary level but it will enable them to understand mathematics better even at secondary level since well they would have been equipped with the necessity of basic mathematics according to the current curriculum standard.

“We need to empower our underprivileged learners through mathematics, remember maths has no gender nor race,” said Marima.

The tournament will take place in Hammanskraal and MAD has recommended 13 schools that should take part in the tournament.

“The mathematics pass rate around Hammanskraal is very low according to statistics and the competition will help to improve the pass rate in the area.

Department of Education is also involved because we are partnering with them towards one common goal,” he said.

According to Marima, the tournament shall be divided into three phases which are the quarter final, semi-final and the final and only three different schools shall participate on each phase phases.

“During the three phases the organisation will send Mathematics question papers to schools with each of the school conducting the first stage of the tournament.

After first trial, each school must send their best top five learners to the organisation then the organisation will conduct and invigilate the whole process till the finals.

Learners from grade 4 to grade 7 will be given an equal opportunity to enter the competition,” explained the Mathematics enthusiast further adding that the organisation will offer classes for two months prior to the completion of the tournament and those classes will be offered twice in a week.

Marima added further stating, “Each learner will be offered a mathematics study guide with a memo that will help them in preparing for the tournament.

Learners will have tutors available for the tournament, who will be assisting the learners with maths problems that they may encounter.

The tournament will take place in April, after the first school term and from each school, only four top learners will be chosen to compete in the tournament; with other top learners from other schools around Hammanskraal”.

In closing, the organising team stated that f parents will be invited for the final round of tournament to come and witness what their children are capable of.