Notice is hereby given in terms of the provisions of section 12(3) (b) of the Local Govan Mbeki Municipality Systems Act, 2000 as amended that it is the intention of Govan Mbeki Municipality to amend the Cemetery By-Law by deleting Section 4 (1) (ii) and (v) and substituting it with Section 4 (1) to read as follows:
“Section 4 (1) Members of the public may apply within 48 (forty-eight) hours before the internments (burials) could take place and it will be subject to and/or dependent on the availability of Municipal resources within the requested time.”
Any person who wishes to comment on the Amendment of the Cemetery By-Law must submit it in writing with the undersigned within a period of 30 (thirty) days from date of publication of this notice in the Press.
Any person who cannot write may come during office hours where the Deputy Director: Waste Management and Environment in Room number 20 at Evander Municipality office will assist to transcribe comments or representation.
The Draft Amendment Draft Cemeteries By-Law will become effective in terms of Section 13 (a) and (b) of the Local Govanment Municipal Systems Act 2000, as amended on the date of promulgation in the Government Gazette
Notice number 255/2023
Signed off by Municipal Manager: Mr E.N Maseko
Dated: 22/04/2024