Nelspruit- The missing police officer, Constable Baswabile Mildred Silowe aged 26, who was reported as missing by her sister, at the Bushbuckridge Police Station on Sunday, has since been found. 

Constable Silowe left home on Sunday afternoon to travel back to work in Lydenburg using public transport.

Upon arriving at Bushbuckridge Shopping Complex where she was to catch a second taxi to Lydenburg, she was offered a lift by an unknown man and immediately informed her sister. Moments later, her sister called to check up on her several times  but failed to reach her.

She also called Constable Silowe’s roommate who confirmed that she had not arrived.

The sister then grew worried after failed attempts to trace her and reported the matter to the police who immediately launched a search. 

Silowe was found around Calcutta area yesterday evening next to a set of robots.

She told police that she recalls being covered with a cloth on her face by one of the men in the car that had offered her a lift back to Lydenburg, where she became unconscious thereafter.

She also relayed that she later regained consciousness only to find she had been ditched in the bushes with her hands and feet tight with ropes and had been robbed of all her belongings.

The Constable managed to roll to a road nearby where she was spotted by a passing ambulance. The police were summoned immediately and the victim was then taken to hospital for medical treatment and has since been discharged. 

The Provincial Commissioner  of the Police in Mpumalanga Lieutenant General Mondli Zuma expressed relief that Constable Silowe has been found alive and has ordered an investigation into this matter. 

Anyone with information that may assist the police with their investigation is requested to contact Detective Warrant Officer Nicol Setwane at 0729068621.