Byline: Andani Matumba
12 April 2022
Tyler Brookes, a 15 years old Grade 09 learner at Pretoria Girls High School has landed an academic tour to travel United States of America.
Her tour includes academic lectures Ivy League Universities in the USA such as Harvard, Princeton and Yale.
Tyler was born in Secunda Mpumalanga and later moved to Pretoria when her parents relocated for employment purposes.
As one of the top achievers in South Africa, Tyler obtained10 Distinctions in her previous academic year.
Her father says the only thing she enjoys doing is studying and learning more.
“During school holidays Tyler buries herself in books and we have to beg her to participate in other activities,” said Tyler’s Father with pride of having a disciplined child.
She also enjoys playing tennis on her spare time.
Her mother Natasha says is proud of her daughter because to get 10 distinctions in any grade is an achievement of its own.
“I am proud for her for achieving what she has at the age of 15 years.
Going to Harvard is something we only see in television and do not this opportunity for granted,” added the proud mother.
Natasha further stated that she would love for her daughter to go out there and see the world.
This tour is not financed by the sponsors, Sports and Travel therefore her parents have to put together an amount of R 80 000-00 to turn her dreams into a reality.
The amount covers flights, accommodation and food.
The Brookes family has attempted fund raising events which did not bear much fruits at this stage and costing them more while running at a loss.
“I am appealing if there is anyone out there who can assist us we would really appreciated it and your efforts will definitely not be wasted in anyway,” pleaded Tyler’s mother with companies and individuals to make donations.
“I would really appreciate your support because I worked really hard for this and I will make sure that I make the best of this opportunity without disappointing any of the donors, ” promised Tyler as she is adamant to go on this trip.
If you wish to research about the tour for the purpose of donations, you can contact Tyler’s parents on 083 253 2335 or Mr Bruno Kakora at 079 792 0348.