Siyaziqhenya ngani | We are proud of you!

To the Class of 2024, well done, your hard work has finally paid off. We are proud of your achievements.

To those learners who have not succeeded in their examinations and do not qualify for supplementary examination, we encourage you to re-enrol at a school without delay.

At Sasol, we believe that education is fundamental in transforming our society. Our interventions in education are driven by a need to see meaningful change in society, and prepare our youth for a future which will enable them to be socio-economically sustainable.

Sasol also offers programmes aimed at improving the teaching and learning of science, mathematics and technology through Osizweni Science Centre. Bursaries and programmes such as #BridgetoWork are also available to those who qualify. Be on the lookout for these education and skills development programmes on local media platforms and our Sasol website.

@Sasol is a caring sponsor of the annual Grade 12 Merit Awards and urges you to visit the Sasol website: to search for available opportunities.

#SasolinSociety #WeareSasol