Byline: Andani Matumba
08 April 2022
Being one of the historical buildings and the first school in Embalenhle to be build when Ext 1 was formed in 1978, Zamokuhle Primary School has since been neglected by the Department of Education.

The building structures consisting of twelve classrooms is on the verge of collapsing.
The said structure consist of six class rooms on each block and was built in 1978 when the school was build.
No renovations have ever been conducted since its existence and its state is of the building is appalling considering that the classroom is a place where learners spend most of their time.
One educator said she has been teaching there for more than eighteen years but the school keeps falling apart.
For protection of her identity, she wished that her name not be disclosed.
The female educator* said that she has produced the finest learners who are now doing well in life but when it is time to give back to the community they would rathe make donations for upgrades on other schools nearby without putting Zamokuhle on the priority list.

“This is the very same school where a road project was initiated but still hanging since 2019.
It is like nobody takes this school seriously”, added the concerned educator.
A local councillor in the ward where the school is situated, Cllr Sibusiso Mazibuko said that he is a product of the school and engages with the school on their needs.
“The twelve classrooms have been on the priority list of the school for more than eighteen years when current principal assumed position of heading the school”, said Cllr Mazibuko.

Mazibuko further stated that the Principal has wrote several letters to the Mpumalanga Department of Education with no assistance till to date.
“The doors are broken, the ceilings are falling apart and the windows are broken.
We cannot blame this on the learner as this is a wear and tear issue.
Imagine the buildings being in existence for so many years and renovations not being conducted, such things are bound to happen and it needs urgent attention because during rainy seasons the structures might collapse”, said Mazibuko with concern describing the condition of the buildings.