Angel Khanyile Foundation launch was a huge success and educational under the Theme: Umuntu ngumuntu ngabantu – We are the solution.
Speakers touched the issues affecting people with disability and also how we are shifting from Ubuntu while copying other people way of living.
One of the speakers, Mbalenhle shared a story that left most of the attendees introspecting themselves as to whether they are doing enough to support their children and family members.
Mbalenhle also explained how she murdered her rapist and the way the community reacted to her ordeal.
Her speech saw many people shed tears.
According to Khanyile, the decision to establish the foundation was influenced by her experience on the plight of people while doing her political ground work within the community.

Though she is a member of Parliament, Khanyile spend most of her time with people on the ground, trying to assist where she can.
Khanyile said the foundation aims to alleviate poverty, help people living with disability and the unemployed youth.
During the speech she encouraged young people to be job creators.
“I urge people to support the foundation by donating their time, help with information and also financially.”