Byline: Nonjabuliso Nhlambo

14 June 2022

Never forget family is a short story written by Lerato Mashinini who primary school learner from Kinross. Lerato is also a member of the Thistle-groove Book Club in Kinross.

Never Forget Family

Arguing and fighting everyday.

Shouting and crying always the same.

You will never find a day without this because that is a family hobby that will never change.

I have a brother who is like my mother,

I have a sister who is a fisher,

I have a dad that is always mad,

I also have a dog that likes to jog.

I might have a weird family but that is why I love them.

We might argue, fight, shout and cry, but we still love each other.

When I was in trouble my brother would lie,

When I felt sad my mom and sister were there for me,

When I was mad my dad asked me why I am sad,

And when I was sad my dog would make me glad.

I will never replace my family because friends end with an end,

Boyfriend ends with an end and girlfriend ends with an end but you know what does not end with an end?

It is family because it ends with ily and that means I love you.