Byline: Levhuwani Matumba

Joint unions (Sadtu, Nehawu, and Naptosa) are currently engaging the GS TVET College management demanding the Evander Campus to be closed and be fumigated.

This was after one staff member tested positive and the other five were requested to self-isolate as they were found to be first contacts.

Unions said they are worried about their members since the communication is not flowing accordingly.

“First we were not informed about this case.

We only found out ourselves when the office used by the infected person was locked and members who are on self-isolation did not report for duty,” said the unions.

GS College management was contacted and Mrs Alinda Viljoen confirmed that one office-based staff member tested positive over the weekend and five first contacts were identified and requested to self-isolate.

He further mentioned that the college will continue as normal since the infected person was not in contact with the lecturers and students.

The union said they do not agree with the management since the same person together with first contacts were using the same bathrooms with the lecturers.

“The same people who were sent home to self-isolate were handing out pamphlets to students and also handed out payslips to the staff members,” the union continued adding that they will also consider opening an attempted murder charge against the college.

The union demand transparency regarding covid-19 from the college management and also for the covid-19 task team to meet regularly.