Pastor Nimmi Nundkisun recently joined Sakhisizwe Progressive Movement (SAPROMO).
Mr Sibusiso Hlolweni who is the Sapromo leader said he knew Ms Nundkisun as from 2009.
The whole family of the “Progressive Movement is excited to have a member of her calibre, and we hope she will be of great assistance in building a unique spiritual political party that Sapromo is,” said Hlolweni.
Ms Nundkisun is a founder of The voice of YHWE ministries in Secunda.
She also owned the first Remax franchise in Secunda and now is a director of her own company, Josun properties.
We hope, with her experience and expertise Sapromo will never be the same again.
Seskhona Newspaper contacted Ms Nundkisun to confirm the news.
Ms Nundkisun confirmed that she knew Hlolweni for a very long time now.
She further mentioned that her involvement in the party will be more based on the spiritual side.
Ms Nundkisun referred Hlolweni as an inspiration to many young people.
During the conversation, Ms Nundkisun mentioned the need to pray for the government leaders.
She concluded by opening her door for the people who might need prayers.