Byline: Refeloe Letsoisa

16 November 2022

With excitement and happiness, Vukanini Taxi Association (Vukta) youth desk members celebrate their achievements of receiving driver’s licenses and business certificates on Wednesday, 16 November 2022 at eMbalenhle blue rank office.

Fourteen (14) youth desk members attended classes at a big business in Secunda and got to learn more about starting their own business and generating the business.

The first classes were attended in August 2022 for three days then continued in September 2022 for five days.

Vukta helped its youth members with funds for both business classes and lessons for driver’s license which was obtained by nine (9) youth desk members.

Mr Realboy Khumalo, Treasurer of the youth desk explained that the taxi association is trying to help the youth build their own future and learn more about business in order to handle their parent’s businesses in the near future.

“I also teach them a lot because they are the people we need for the future,” said Mr Khumalo.

Some youth desk members explained the few things they have learnt about business namely, calculating costs and profits, creating a good business plan and target market for the business.

They believe that they are now ready to handle their own businesses.

“I would like to continue with the catering business,” said Sibongille Mtsweni, deputy chairperson of Vukta youth desk.
Vukta youth desk aims to help more youth members from the community of Embalenhle build their own future.

Vukta youth desk members with their code 10 (C1) driver’s license